Belize is a small Central American nation located north of Honduras and south of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. With land mass roughly the size of New Jersey and a population of less than 300,000, Belize is one of the least populated countries in the region.
Within the borders of this small country, you’ll find a remarkably diverse landscape. The northern interior region tends to be flat and is where much of the nation’s sugarcane, citrus and cattle are produced. The Belize coast stretches some 185 miles and along its entire length lies the Belize Barrier Reef, the second largest barrier reef in the world. The reef lies 10-40 miles offshore and inside the reef’s protective barrier lie 200+ small islands or cayes. The southern regions of the country are more mountainous and are crossed with numerous rivers. Some 70% of the nation is covered in forest and much of the tropical jungle and rainforest is now under protection by the government.
The climate in Belize is subtropical with temperatures typically ranging between 79 - 87 F. The dry season is from Nov - May and the wet season runs from June - Oct. The southern regions of Belize typically get much more rain.