Fishing Tips

The False Economy of Cheap Gear

When you are new to saltwater fly fishing, the question of what rod and reel to purchase is one of the first important decisions you'll make. Unfortunately, many saltwater fly fishing novices believe going cheap is rational because they have yet to determine if they like the sport or will stick with it.  Those new to this sport should try to understand that saltwater fly fishing is not a rational sport!  Who travels thousands of miles to distant parts of the world and spends endless hours pursuing fish that are difficult to see and even harder to catch? The Saltwater Flyfisher.

We are not suggesting that you spend money needlessly, but take a step back and look at the saltwater gear options available today. There are many available choices of rods, reels, lines, and other equipment, and the possibilities keep growing. A fundamental concept to remember is that the right stuff is a lot easier to learn with than many of the budget options. The learning phase can be considerably longer if you go the less-expensive route.  

Saltwater fly fishing puts extreme demands on gear, and the better gear performs much better, making your initiation more rewarding and fulfilling. Buying less expensive equipment can work, but given the time you have to learn, the better gear will get you there much faster. We recommend buying the best equipment you can afford without missing a mortgage or tuition payments. You will learn quicker and have more fun. Also important to remember is that most premium gear carries a lifetime guarantee. If you have access to a local fly fishing shop, they may rent premium gear so you can fish with it before deciding to buy. See our Fishing Gear for Belize page for gear guidelines and recommendations. Those of us addicted to this crazy sport will tell you that you can never have too much gear, but if you're starting out and would like more insight, feel free to contact us for more information.