Fishing Tips

Saltwater Spin Fishing at El Pescador

El Pescador in Ambergris Caye, Belize is known worldwide as one of the finest saltwater flats fisheries anywhere. The incredible fishing opportunities here apply as much to the spin fisher as the fly fisher.

We have close to 400 square miles of flats ranging in depth from less than a foot to 15-20 feet. We also have the second longest coral reef in the world less than a thousand yards from the lodge. On many days, anglers trolling along this reef land some huge barracuda as well as a variety of other species.

For those spin fishing anglers who may at first shy away from a fly fishing destination, please reconsider. As many as 25% of our guests avail themselves of this amazingly diverse and abundant fishery with spin or conventional gear. If you plan to use your spin gear, the list of what to bring is very simple.

Bring a 10 lb- 12 lb. outfit for bones, permit and the like.

Bring a 20 lb. - 25 lb. set up for tarpon, jacks and barracuda.

We use small (1/8 to 1/4 ounce) jigs with shrimp for the smaller species. For the tarpon, barracuda and large jacks, we like to live line sardines, so bring some 3/0 circle hooks for the big boys.

One of our spin fishing guests recently set a new lodge record after landing 15 big jacks (12-18 lbs) using sardines as well as a few of his favorite plugs, all in a single day!

We do maintain a small number of spin rigs here, but it is far better to bring your gear. You're familiar with it, and this way you can be sure you have what you need to enjoy spin fishing in one of the premier saltwater flats fisheries on earth.